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DIME Refugee Student Council svg4446
Advocacy Education Protection & Human Rights
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About us? The DIME Refugee Student Council (CERD) is an initiative democratically elected by refugee students enrolled in DIME´s scholarship programs. The council emerged from the need of DIME students to organize themselves as a community and is inspired by the efforts of other organizations, such as WUSC, R-SEAT, and the CLCC Student Task Force. We are the first initiative of this nature in Latin America, advocating for the autonomy of refugees in Mexico, through the student community of DIME. Why and for what the Council? Refugees have to participate in generating solutions and making decisions that concern our community since otherwise any solution or decision will not be sustainable, which is one of the reasons why the Council emerged. In that sense, we seek and set relevant points such as: Self-representation Participatory and active voice Create spaces of inclusion Through the Council we have participated in different events and spaces, raising our voices and that of our community, advocating, raising awareness, and promoting our capabilities as Refugee University Students residing in Mexico. Migration Summit, Conferences at Universities, and contact between different actors such as civil society, NGOs, and student groups, among others are part of groups in which we have created links, participated, and collaborated. In the future, we want to consolidate ourselves as an autonomous organization and influence decision-making in relation to refugee students in Mexico and at the same time.

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